2017-2018 Graduate Catalog 
    Oct 05, 2024  
2017-2018 Graduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

College of Graduate and Professional Studies

The governance structure of graduate studies is part of the University faculty governance as outlined in the Faculty Policy and Procedures Manual. The following are the existing graduate level committees:

Graduate Council

The duties of the Graduate Council shall include:

  1. To formulate, review, establish, approve and forward to the Faculty Senate all academic policies for graduate education.
  2. To establish guidelines and approve policy for graduate student admissions.
  3. To establish guidelines and approve policy for requirements for all graduate degrees subject to approval by the Committee on Educational Policy.
  4. To receive reports from the Graduate Curriculum Committee.
  5. To develop policy for graduate student support.
  6.  To participate in periodic qualitative reviews of graduate programs.
  7. To encourage research and teaching efforts at the graduate level.
  8. To review and recommend nominees for the Graduate School awards as appropriate.
  9. To provide for long-range academic planning related to graduate education.
  10. To receive reports from the Graduate Petitions Committee.
  11. To represent the interests of the Graduate Faculty and graduate students in the university.
  12. To advise the Dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies on matters related to graduate education at the university.

Membership includes one representative from each graduate major, two at-large representatives from the Graduate Faculty, one representative from the library, and one graduate student representative. Council members must be current members of the graduate faculty. Ex-Officio Members (non-voting) are the Dean and Assistant Dean(s) of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Elected members serve staggered three year terms and may be reelected. Each representative of a graduate major is elected by the graduate faculty in that major. The two at-large representatives are elected by the graduate faculty as a whole. The library representative is elected by the library faculty. The student representative is elected by the Graduate Student Association. The Chair is elected by the Graduate Council members at the last meeting each spring.

Graduate Curriculum Committee

The Graduate Curriculum Committee reviews proposals for new and revised graduate courses and graduate degree programs and makes recommendations to the Committee on Educational Policy. Members shall consist of the Graduate Program Coordinators or their designee in the event they are the elected Graduate Council member. Ex-Officio Members (non-voting) are the Dean and the Assistant Dean(s) of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies. Committee members must be current graduate faculty. Each Program Coordinator is appointed by the Chair of the department responsible for the program (following departmental bylaws) and may serve on the Graduate Curriculum Committee as long as their term as Graduate Program Coordinator. The Chair is elected by the Graduate Council at the last meeting each spring.

Graduate Petitions Committee

The responsibility of the Graduate Petitions Committee shall be to handle appeals from students requesting exemptions or variations from any university-wide academic rule or regulation.

Membership includes one graduate faculty member from each graduate major, one alternate in case of conflict of interest and the Chair of Graduate Council. Ex-officio members (non-voting) are the Assistant Dean of the College of Graduate & Professional Studies and the Registrar. Committee members must be a current graduate faculty. Members are appointed by Graduate Council, serve staggered three year terms and may be reappointed. The Chair is elected by the committee.