2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Jan 15, 2025  
2017-2018 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences

Roger A. Byrne, Ph.D.
Joanna H. Baker, MS, Assistant Dean for Academic Services and College Relations
Edward L. Kinman, PhD, Assistant Dean for Assessment and Program Improvement
Cynthia Thompson, General Administrative Supervisor

MISSION: The Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences is the largest and most comprehensive of Longwood’s five colleges and touches the lives of everyone at Longwood. The extensive course offerings, research projects, and internships in Cook-Cole provide the foundation of a broad-based education to all of Longwood’s students and assist them in becoming educated citizens who are able to demonstrate creativity, critical thinking, and resiliency in addressing the issues of a diverse and interdependent world. Faculty-student collaboration drives every aspect of teaching and learning, allowing students to develop personal and professional relationships that last a lifetime.