2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 28, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Expenses and Financial Policy

The fees indicated are estimated for the 2018-2019 academic year and are subject to change by the Board of Visitors at any time.

Statement of Student Responsibilities, Conditional Terms, & Consent of All Provisions

I, as a Longwood University student, understand and accept the responsibility to:

  • Submit full payment of tuition and fees generated from my registration.
  • Submit full payment of all charges for housing and dining services.
  • Submit full payment of any library fines, parking fines, damages and any other applicable miscellaneous charges incurred.
  • Pay a $50 fee for any item(s) returned by the bank, ACH electronic drafts or paper checks. Students making insufficient fund payments to Longwood University may result in an Honor Code violation with the Office of Student Conduct and Integrity.
  • Maintain a current mailing address on file with our Office of Registration. (Paper check refunds and tax forms will be delayed if the permanent mailing address or the local address on file for the student is not current and active.)
  • Acknowledge my Longwood email as the official means of communication.
  • Read my Longwood University e-mail on a daily basis.
  • Set up bank account information required for Direct Deposit of student loan refunds.
  • Enter a mobile phone number and carrier into my profile in My Student Account if I wish to receive text messages for billing.
  • Read and abide by the rules as stated in University catalogs and handbooks.
  • Review the electronic billings and pay the University by the due dates stated. I understand paper bills will not be sent to me as an actively enrolled student.
  • I am responsible to pay the University for any amounts I am not eligible for under applicable financial aid guidelines and realize my financial aid may be adjusted due to eligibility.
  • Return any funds owed to Longwood University in the event adjustments are made to my student account after a refund has been processed. I acknowledge I will have a hold on my account until that money has been returned.

Dropping from Courses

I understand that I am responsible for dropping courses I do not plan to attend. My courses must be dropped by me, the student during the 100% refund period or tuition and fees will be assessed accordingly.

Late Payments

If my student account is not paid in full or secured by Longwood University Payment Plan or Financial Aid or approved Third-Party Tuition Assistance I will be assessed a late payment fee of 10% of the unsecured past-due account balance as prescribed in 2.2-4805 of the Code of Virginia. I understand failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due and will not prevent the application of the late payment fee.

Any communication disputing an amount owed must follow the Tuition Appeal information published on the following website http://www.longwood.edu/studentaccounts/tuitionfee-appeals/.

Past due accounts

I understand any past due balances on my account will generate a hold on my account and I will not be allowed to:

  • Access assigned housing & meal plans
  • Register for future classes
  • Receive official transcripts
  • Receive my diploma

Agreement to Pay Tuition and Fee Charges

In consideration of Longwood University allowing me to register for courses, thus incurring costs to the University, I promise to pay Longwood University tuition and fees assessed for my registered courses by the published payment due date for each semester. Also, I agree to pay for any additional fees and interest charges assessed to my account each semester. Any account not satisfied by the final payment due date will be referred to an attorney or a collection agency, and collection fees of up to 32% of the outstanding balance will be added. Any account not satisfied by the final payment due date may be reported to the credit bureaus, and may be listed with the Virginia Department of Accounts through the Debt Set-off Program. Listing with the Virginia Department of Accounts may result in the seizure of funds from a tax refund, any refund from another state agency, and/or a lottery claim.

I understand the principal amount is calculated based on my registration each semester. All outstanding tuition account balances are considered qualified educational loans under I.R.C. 221 and are extended with the express understanding that future repayment shall be made to the university. I further understand that my acceptance of these terms represents my acknowledgement and acceptance of my tuition and fee account balances qualifying as a qualified education loan under I.R.C. 221, and as such, its exemption from discharge under the federal bankruptcy code, 11 U.S.C. 523(a) (8).

I understand, agree and authorize Longwood University to use my social security number for internal and external credit reporting and collection purposes for all charges incurred for the duration of my enrollment with Longwood University.

I expressly consent to you, your affiliates, agents, and service providers may contact me using written, electronic, or verbal means as the law allows. This consent includes, but is not limited to, contact by manual calling methods, prerecorded or artificial voice messages, text messages, emails and/or automated telephone dialing systems. I also expressly consent to you, your affiliates, agents, and service providers contacting me by telephone at any telephone number associated with my account, currently or in the future, including wireless telephone numbers, regardless of whether I incur charges as a result. I agree that you, your affiliates, agents, and service providers may record telephone calls regarding my account in assurance of quality and/or other reasons.

This agreement is subject to the laws of the State of Virginia, without regard to its conflict or choice of law provisions. I irrevocably consent to the jurisdiction of the state and federal courts located in Prince Edward County, Virginia, in any lawsuit arising out of or concerning this agreement, or the enforcement of any obligations under this agreement, including any lawsuit to collect amounts that I may owe as a result of this agreement.

Requesting services will be deemed to be acceptance of these terms.

Tuition and Fees

Longwood University assesses Tuition & Fee charges to all (full-time and part-time) students on a per credit hour basis, according to course type/method of instruction.

For academic and financial aid purposes, an undergraduate-level student must be registered for at least 12 credit hours, per semester, to be considered “full-time”. Undergraduate-level students registered for fewer than 12 credit hours, per semester, are considered “part-time”.

Special Note: Students who audit courses pay the same tuition and required fee rates as students taking courses for academic credit.

For all (full and part-time) students, the following per credit hour tuition and fee rates apply:

Per Credit Hour Tuition & Fee Charges for Virginia Residents (In-State Students) Taking Undergraduate-Level Courses (100-400 Level Courses):

Description of Charge: Course Type / Method of Instruction*:
On-Campus** Online Off-Campus** Intersession
In-State Undergraduate Tuition $273.00 $273.00 $273.00 $273.00
Comprehensive Fee $174.00 $174.00 $174.00 $174.00
Student Activity Fee $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
Total Cost Per Registered Credit Hour: $453.00 $453.00 $453.00 $453.00
** Includes Hybrid courses. Hybrid courses combine face to face (classroom) meetings with online (Internet) instruction.

VA Undergraduate Tuition Surcharge Rate Per Credit Hour:

Refer to website:

$332.00 $332.00 $332.00 $332.00

Per Credit Hour Tuition & Fee Charges for Non-Virginia Residents (Out-of-State Students) Taking Undergraduate-Level Courses (100-400 Level Courses):

Description of Charge: Course Type / Method of Instruction*:
On-Campus** Online Off-Campus** Intersession
Out-of-State Undergraduate Tuition $785.00 $785.00 $785.00 $785.00
Comprehensive Fee $174.00 $174.00 $174.00 $174.00
Student Activity Fee $6.00 $6.00 $6.00 $6.00
Capital Outlay Fee $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00
Total Cost Per Registered Credit Hour: $985.00 $965.00 $965.00 $985.00
** Includes Hybrid courses. Hybrid courses combine face to face (classroom) meetings with online (Internet) instruction.

Per Credit Hour Tuition & Fee Charges for Virginia Residents (In-State Students) Taking Graduate-Level Courses (500 Level & Above Courses): MBA students see Required Fees, below, for additional per credit hour charge.

Description of Charge: Course Type / Method of Instruction*:
On-Campus** Online Off-Campus** Intersession
In-State Graduate Tuition $360.00 $360.00 $360.00 $360.00
Comprehensive Fee $133.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00
Student Activity Fee $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Total Cost Per Registered Credit Hour: $499.00 $396.00 $396.00 $396.00
** Includes Hybrid courses. Hybrid courses combine face to face (classroom) meetings with online (Internet) instruction.
Differential Tuition, Per Credit Hour:
(Additional In-state tuition charge, applicable to students admitted into Communication Sciences & Disorders-Master of Science program.)
$34.00 $34.00 $34.00 $34.00

Per Credit Hour Tuition & Fee Charges for Non-Virginia Residents (Out-of-State Students) Taking Graduate-Level Courses (500 Level & Above Courses): MBA students see Required Fees, below, for additional per credit hour charge.

Description of Charge: Course Type / Method of Instruction*:
On-Campus** Online Off-Campus** Intersession
Out-of-State Graduate Tuition $995.00 $995.00 $995.00 $995.00
Comprehensive Fee $133.00 $36.00 $36.00 $36.00
Student Activity Fee $6.00 $0.00 $0.00 $0.00
Capital Outlay Fee $20.00 $0.00 $0.00 $20.00
Total Per Registered Credit Hour $1,154.00 $1031.00 $1031.00 $1051.00
** Includes Hybrid courses. Hybrid courses combine face to face (classroom) meetings with online (Internet) instruction.

* Note: For purposes of this policy and most other listings throughout the Expenses and Financial Policy section of this catalog:

On-campus rates apply to most credits offered through the Farmville, Virginia campus. On-campus credits will include, but are not necessarily limited to: credits associated with classroom instruction, hybrid courses, credits earned while participating in certain (student exchange or faculty-led) study abroad experiences, student teaching and internship assignments, and/or independent study assignments.

Online rates apply only to 100% Internet course sections beginning with “B” or “JB” (if offered during Winter Intersession enrollment period).

Off-campus rates apply only to course sections beginning with a “9” or “J9” (if offered during Winter Intersession enrollment period).

Off-campus and Online rates apply to those types of courses regardless of the term.

Intersession rates apply to credits associated with classroom-based courses and/or Longwood University faculty-led tours (abroad) beginning after the end of the fall semester and ending before the normal start date of the spring semester.

Per Semester Room & Board Charges-For All Students (Virginia and Non-Virginia Residents):

Description of Charge: Per Semester Rate Description of Charge: Per Semester Rate
Main Campus Residence Hall Rooms: Meal Plans, Available to All Students:

Main Campus-Double:

(Includes Sharp Hall and Register Hall)

$3,667.94 ALL ACCESS + $225.00: $2,205.28
Main Campus-Single: $4,167.94 Block 225 Meal Plan + $325.00: $1,845.20
    Meal Plans: Additional Option Available Only to Commuter Students, Students Residing in Longwood-Managed Apartments, and Upper Classmen & Transfer Students Residing on Main Campus:
    Block 160 Meal Plan + $350.00: $1,709.68
Longwood-Managed Apartments: Meal Plans: Additional Option, Available Only to Commuter Students and Students Residing in Longwood-Managed Apartments:
Lancer Park-Quad: $4,218.90 Block 80 Meal Plan + $350.00: $1,035.44
Lancer Park Double: $4,778.01    
New Lancer Park-Quad: $4,709.28    
New Lancer Park-Double: $4,780.34    
New Lancer Park-Single: $5,136.77    
Longwood Village-Single: $4,372.66    
Longwood Village-Double: $2,186.33    
Longwood Landings-Quad: $4,709.28    
Longwood Landings-Single (Studio): $5,136.77    
    Meal Plans: Additional Option, Available Only to Commuter Students:  
    Block 40 Meal Plan + $200.00: $545.44

Students residing in Longwood-managed properties are required to purchase a meal plan.

Freshmen students residing on Main Campus must choose the ALL ACCESS or Block 225 plan.

Upper Classmen and Transfer students residing on Main Campus may choose ALL ACCESS, Block 225, or Block 160 plan.

For students residing in Main Campus residence halls:  If no meal plan is selected, the Block 225 is the default meal plan.

Longwood-managed apartment residents are provided with kitchen facilities, and may choose  ALL ACCESS, Block 225, Block 160, or Block 80 plan.  For students residing in Longwood-managed apartments, the Block 80 is the default meal plan.

Commuters (students residing outside of Longwood-managed housing) are not required but are encouraged to purchase a meal plan, and may choose any of the offered meal plans. 

Required Fees

Tuition and required fees are charged per credit hour to all full-time and part-time students, undergraduate and graduate, including student interns, student teachers, and students earning credit hours for independent study. Required fees include:

Student Activity Fee

This fee is set by the Student Government Association (SGA) and is used to support student organizations and various student activities approved by SGA.

Comprehensive Fee

The comprehensive fee covers auxiliary costs as follows:  Athletics, Parking & Transportation to include the Farmville Area Bus (FAB), telecommunications, student health and wellness services, student union programming, campus recreation and intramural programs and other auxiliary services such as Lancer Card Center, Printing Services, etc.

Capital Outlay Fee

The capital outlay fee is a state-mandated fee required of out-of-state students to support debt service costs associated with capital projects funded by the Commonwealth of Virginia.


All students enrolled in graduate-level business administration courses are assessed a per credit hour fee of $210.00 in support of the MBA program.

Other Fees

Application and Re-Admission Fee: A non-refundable application fee of $50.00 is required of each undergraduate student making his or her first application to Longwood. A non-refundable re-admission fee of $30.00 is required of each undergraduate student applying for re-admission to Longwood.

Orientation/Transitional Fee: A transitional fee of $225 is assessed to all new students. It covers orientation, first year initiatives, and other transition-to-college programming. The fee will be included on the student bill.

Course Fees: Some academic course offerings require additional course and/or lab fees. These fees will be assessed to all students enrolled in the course at the end of the Add/Drop period. Fees typically range from $5.00 to $300.00, but may be higher for certain programs (e.g., Nursing).

Field Course Fees: Since charges vary for students enrolled in field assignments (e.g., student teaching, Central Virginia Criminal Justice Academy), semester Field Course Fee rates may be obtained from the academic departments arranging field assignments/internships.

Study Abroad Admin Fee: A non-refundable $250 administrative fee is charged to students studying abroad/away.

Virginia Undergraduate Tuition Surcharge: In compliance with Virginia State law, students classified as in-state undergraduate students who enroll at a state educational institution August 1, 2006 or later will be assessed a tuition surcharge for each semester after 125% of the degree requirements for their program have been completed. The amount of the surcharge, established by the State Council for Higher Education in Virginia (SCHEV), is equal to 100% of the Average Cost of Education for the institution, less tuition and mandatory Educational and General (E&G) fees for in-state undergraduates. For the 2018-2019 academic year, Longwood University Virginia Undergraduate Tuition Surcharge is $332.00 per credit hour. Please refer to Office of the Registrar (http://www.longwood.edu/registrar/policies–regulations/in-state-tuition-125-rule/) for additional information and exemptions to the surcharge.

Transcript Fee: A fee of $10.00 will be charged for each copy of official transcript.

Enrollment Verification Fee: A fee of $5.00 will be charged for each (semester/term) enrollment verification request.

Automobile Registration: A fee is charged for each automobile registered. Parking on main campus or on Longwood-managed properties is permitted only if the permit issued on payment of the fee is displayed. For information regarding parking regulations and/or parking fees, please visit the Longwood University Parking Services website: http://www.longwood.edu/parking

Returned Item Fee: For payments posted by paper check or electronic (ACH) draft*, a $50.00 fee will be assessed to the student account for each item returned unpaid by the bank for any reason.

* Note: Paper checks and ACH bank drafts (electronic checks) will not be accepted on student accounts that reflect three (3) previously returned items.

Students making insufficient fund payments to Longwood University may result in an Honor Code violation with the Student Conduct and Integrity office.

Reinstatement Fee: If a student is administratively withdrawn for non-payment of tuition and fees and wishes to be reinstated*, he/she must pay a $50.00 reinstatement fee in addition to any outstanding charges.

* Note: If administratively withdrawn, the original course schedule may not be available and the student must work with her/his advisor and the Office of the Registrar to create a new schedule.

Meals for Guests: Students entertaining guests in the Longwood dining hall are charged the following rates, tax included: breakfast $6.75, lunch/brunch $8.75, and dinner $8.75.


For each new Longwood student, student fee deposit (prepayment) is required to reserve the student’s admission/readmission to Longwood University.

Please note: For purposes of this policy, “new” refers to students who will enroll for the first-time into a Longwood University degree program and to students who will re-admit into a degree program following a withdrawal from the university.

New residence hall and commuter students: $400.00 deposit

An Admission Deposit Form will be sent with the letter of admission (or readmission), and should be returned with payment to Office of Cashiering. The Admission Deposit may also be paid online using a credit card. The steps for paying online are outlined in the Enrollment Checklist that accompanies the letter of admission.

The deposit is refundable until May 1st for students admitted/readmitted for the fall (or summer) semester, and December 1st for students admitted/readmitted for the spring semester. Requests for refunds must be made in writing to the Longwood University Office of Admissions prior to the above-mentioned dates. Deposit payments made after May 1st (fall/summer), or December 1st (spring), are non-refundable.

Special note to students admitted during summer term: Prepaid deposits will be credited to fall semester and will reduce fall semester balances due. Summer term crosses two fiscal years. Posting deposits to fall semester ensures most accurate revenue recording, and prevents loss (forfeiture) of student fee deposit when summer enrollment is delayed (from Summer I to Summer II or from summer to fall semester). Students admitted during summer term should plan to pay all summer charges following summer registration.

Deferred Enrollment: Before the start of a semester and with prior approval from the Office of Admissions, non-refundable deposits may be transferred forward one time (fall to spring, fall to fall, spring to fall, spring to spring). If a newly admitted/readmitted student wishes to defer his/her enrollment and request transfer of (non-refundable) paid deposit (forward one time), then the student must submit a written request to Longwood’s Office of Admissions. Written requests for transfers of deposits must be received by the university prior to the first day of the academic semester for which the tuition deposit was originally paid. After the first day of the semester, non-refundable deposits will apply to withdrawal fees, and only (non-refundable) deposit payments in excess of withdrawal fees due may be transferred (forward one semester). For additional information concerning withdrawal fees, please refer to Withdrawal Policies and Procedures, under the section Expenses and Financial Aid of this catalog.

The student fee deposit must be paid, in full, before an admitted/readmitted student may participate in room selection and/or register for classes.

Financial aid recipients: In certain cases, students with prepaid deposits, who also meet the priority deadline to file FAFSA (Free Application for Federal Student Aid), may meet criteria to become eligible for full financial aid funding. If, after prepaying student fee deposit, an account becomes overpaid by (offered, accepted, disbursed) financial aid, refund(s) of net account overpayment(s) will be issued following end of semester “add-drop” period and disbursement of financial aid.

Qualifying for Virginia Tuition Rates

Longwood follows the domicile guidelines covered in the Code of Virginia. These guidelines are available at https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title23.1/chapter5/ and http://www.schev.edu/index/tuition-aid/in-state-residency/financial-aid-policy-and-procedures Information regarding the domicile determination of military personnel and their dependents is also covered in the guidelines.


Applicants: During the application for admissions, the Application for In-state Tuition is submitted to the Office of Admissions to determine the student’s eligibility to receive Virginia in-state tuition. For further questions or concerns, contact Admissions Office at 434.395.2060 or admissions@longwood.edu.

If the student does not agree with the domicile decision, a letter of appeal with supporting documentation should be submitted, prior to the start of the semester for which the student is requesting in-state tuition rates, to the Office of Admissions for review and subsequent decision. If the student does not agree with this decision, a written appeal with supporting documentation should be submitted to the Dean of Students. If the student does not agree with this decision, the student may petition the Virginia Circuit Court.

Current Students: The University may initiate a reclassification inquiry at any time after the occurrence of events or a change in facts gives rise to a reasonable doubt about the validity of existing residential classification.

A current student may establish in-state status if an independent student or the parent(s) of a dependent student moves to Virginia and fulfills the requirements of domicile including the one-year residency. A current student wishing to have the domicile changed for tuition purposes must submit an Application for In-state Tuition Rates (form) with supporting documentation to the Office of the Registrar prior to start of the semester for which the student is requesting in-state rates. The university will not initiate this process. Changes in status will not be applicable to previous or current semesters. If the student does not agree with the decision of the Office of the Registrar, a written appeal with supporting documentation should be submitted to the Dean of Students. If the student does not agree with this decision, the student may petition the Virginia Circuit Court.

Students classified as out-of-state must present clear and convincing evidence to rebut the presumption that residing in Virginia is primarily to attend school. Residence or physical presence in Virginia primarily to attend college does not entitle students to in-state tuition rates.

Veterans Access, Choice, and Accountability Act of 2014

The following individuals shall be charged a rate of tuition not to exceed the in-state rate for tuition and fees purposes:

  • A Veteran using educational assistance under either chapter 30 (Montgomery G.I. Bill - Active Duty Program) or chapter 33 (Post-9/11 G.I. Bill), of title 38, United States Code, who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using transferred Post-9/11 GI Bill benefits (38 U.S.C. § 3319) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the transferor’s discharge or release from a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone using benefits under the Marine Gunnery Sergeant John David Fry Scholarship (38 U.S.C. § 3311(b)(9)) who lives in the Commonwealth of Virginia while attending a school located in the Commonwealth of Virginia (regardless of his/her formal State of residence) and enrolls in the school within three years of the Service member’s death in the line of duty following a period of active duty service of 90 days or more.
  • Anyone described above while he or she remains continuously enrolled (other than during regularly scheduled breaks between courses, semesters, or terms) at the same school. The person so described must have enrolled in the school prior to the expiration of the three year period following discharge, release, or death described above and must be using educational benefits under either chapter 30 or chapter 33, of title 38, United States Code.

Dependents of Military Personnel

Longwood follows the Code of Virginia to determine residency status of military personnel and their dependents. Please go http://www.schev.edu/index/tuition-aid/in-state-residency/financial-aid-policy-and-procedures (Part III) for the latest guidelines.

Longwood University Residential Policy:

As part of its distinctive academic mission, Longwood is a residential institution and strives to provide a variety of housing options for all full-time undergraduate students who wish to live in University managed housing. As part of the Longwood experience, undergraduate students in their first two years live in University managed housing, typically in our traditional main campus residence halls. After completing their first two years at Longwood, students are not required to live in University managed housing; those who choose not to must provide notification of their decision to live in housing outside the University and must provide the Office of the Registrar with an up-to-date local address.

Students will be required to pay for room and board prior to moving into Longwood-managed housing, and Housing Terms and Conditions remain in effect for the entire academic year (August through May).

Exceptions to the Residency Policy:

Exceptions concerning residency in University managed housing during a student’s first two years may be approved for the following reasons:

  • Students who are twenty-three or older prior to the beginning of the fall semester.
  • Students who are married, with a verified marriage license.
  • Students who serve as legal guardians for a minor.
  • Students who live at a permanent address with parent(s), grandparent(s), or legal guardian(s), with a notarized letter verifying occupancy.
  • Part-time students enrolled in less than 12 credit hours for both the fall and spring consecutive semesters.
  • Rising sophomores who face a particular hardship or recognized necessity.
  • Rising junior and senior transfer and re-admitted students. It is important to note that Longwood-managed housing is not guaranteed for transfers and re-admitted students and may not be available.

Requests for exceptions should be submitted in writing to the Residential and Commuter Life (RCL) office prior to or during the housing application process.

As with any matter of honor in University life, students who knowingly provide false information in order to gain an exception to the Longwood University Residential Policy will be charged with violating the Longwood Honor Code.

Housing Intent Notification and Local Address:

Rising juniors and seniors may choose not to live in University managed housing and instead choose to live in housing outside the University.

For purposes of University planning and public safety, students who intend to live in housing outside the University must submit an Intention Form during the Housing Intent Notification period that is specified each year, and they must likewise in a timely fashion provide an up-to-date local address.

In light of University planning and public safety needs, students who do not submit an Intention Form during the specified notification period but who plan to live in housing outside the University must submit a letter of appeal to the Residential and Commuter Life Office.

Students moving to housing outside the University must also participate in an online orientation at which they will finalize information connected with their Intention Form and receive an overview regarding their rights and responsibilities in the Farmville community as private tenants and residents.

Procedures to Submit an Appeal:

Students wishing to appeal an RCL decision, to seek an exception to University residency policies, or make the decision to live off-campus outside of the specified notification period should submit an appeal form explaining the reasons for requesting permission to live off-campus outside University managed housing. All appeals are submitted through the student housing gateway. All appeals will be initially reviewed by the Associate Director-Occupancy Management. Any appeal that needs further attention will be reviewed by the RCL Appeals Committee, which is comprised of faculty, staff, and students. The Committee meets as needed, and decisions will be communicated by Longwood email.

Procedures to Return to Longwood-Managed Housing:

Former residential students returning from internships, student teaching, and study abroad opportunities must contact RCL in writing if they want to participate in the Longwood-managed housing application process.

Those students who opt to live in housing outside the University and subsequently wish to return to University managed housing must submit a letter to the RCL Appeals Committee. Appeal letters must be emailed to housing@longwood.edu. Should space be available, they will be considered for housing after all current and new residential students are assigned.

Minimum Credit Hour Requirement:

Students registered for 12 or more credits are classified as full time students. Part-time students taking less than 12 credit hours are permitted to remain in Longwood managed housing. However, the RCL office is committed to maintaining an educational residential environment. Those part-time students taking less than 12 credit hours are expected to contribute to an educational residential environment. Any student found to participate in behavior that negatively impacts this educational environment may be removed from residential housing. Part-time students residing in Longwood managed housing will be contacted through Longwood email and will be required to provide the rationale for taking less than 12 credits to the RCL office.

Meal Plans:

The Residence Hall Room and Board Agreement spells out the terms of the meal plans available to residential students. Students select meal plans in the agreement and are permitted to change their selected meal plan during specific periods of time as stated in the Residence Hall Room and Board Agreement.

Commuter students may add meal plans at any time in the semester, but must pay full cost for the plan.

If a student drops or downgrades meal plan on or before semester deadline, student will be charged for spent Bonus Dollars plus prorated daily rate for meals.

For additional information, please refer to Longwood Dining Services, under the section Student Services, of this catalog or visit Office of Residential and Commuter Life website.

Billing and Payment Schedule

Longwood University utilizes an electronic billing and payment solution, TouchNet E-Bill.

Longwood University will send E-Bill notification to students who register during open registration or during First Year Student/Transfer Student Orientation and Registration.

Students who register during late registration or late Orientation (August for the fall semester, January for the spring semester) are expected to pay their tuition and fee charges at the time of registration. Students who request room and/or board assignments after the semester due date are expected to pay room/board costs at the time of assignment/assessment.

To prevent the possible assessment of late payment fees, students must pay all calculated charges on, or before, the semester payment due date or the date a charge is incurred (whichever occurs later).

Please note: E-BILL NOTIFICATIONS ARE SENT TO THE STUDENT’S LONGWOOD E-MAIL ADDRESS. E-BILL NOTIFICATIONS ARE ALSO SENT TO AUTHORIZED USERS IF SET UP BY A STUDENT. Students are responsible for paying (or securing with adequate financial aid) all calculated charges on, or before, each semester’s payment due date. Students requesting changes after open registration are encouraged to view their account summaries via myLongwood portal. Any charges assessed after the original semester payment due date are due and payable at the time incurred. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due.

All currently enrolled students (including students registered after the billing date) may view their billing statements/account summaries online via myLongwood.

Billing Schedules

Fall Semester: Fall charges (based upon the student’s registered credit hours), less any credits, will be E-billed on or about July 13th, and shall be due on or about August 13th. Credit will be given for miscellaneous outside scholarships* only if the student provides Longwood’s Office of Financial Aid with official notification of the award(s) prior to Longwood’s scheduled billing dates. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due.

Spring Semester: Spring charges (based upon the student’s registered credit hours), less any credits, will be E-billed on or about November 30th, and shall be due on or about January 4th. Credit will be given for miscellaneous outside scholarships* only if the student provides Longwood’s Office of Financial Aid with official notification of the award(s) prior to Longwood’s scheduled billing dates. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due.

*Please note: Unless specific instructions to the contrary are issued by the awarding agencies, all miscellaneous outside scholarships greater than $100 will be evenly divided between the fall and spring semesters. Scholarships less than or equal to $100 will be fully applied to the first semester, unless other instructions accompany payment. (Miscellaneous outside scholarships are scholarships awarded to students by high schools or other agencies independent of Longwood.)

Methods of Payment: For detailed information concerning billing processes and managing the online student account, please refer to the Student Accounts website: http://www.longwood.edu/studentaccounts/billing-payments/billing-process/.

Lump Sum Payments

Online Payments: Currently-enrolled students and their authorized users may log into myLongwood/My Student Account to view most recent billing statements and see all current account activity. Students and authorized users may submit lump sum payments, online, using Visa, MasterCard, Discover, Diners Club, JCB, UnionPay, BCcard, DinaCard, or American Express (credit or debit), or automatic draft from a bank account. A non-refundable convenience fee of 2.85% will be assessed on all credit or debit card payments. ACH Bank Draft (electronic check) payments will be processed without additional fees. Online payments submitted through TouchNet (myLongwood) are posted immediately to the appropriate student account.

Important notes concerning online payments:

  1. If you choose Electronic Checking as a payment method, please obtain the correct ACH Electronic Draft format for your bank account number from your bank or credit union. DO NOT USE THE NUMBERS ON YOUR DEBIT CARD FOR YOUR BANK ACCOUNT NUMBER. Lines of credit, money market accounts, mutual fund accounts, trust funds, etc., cannot be electronically drafted. In addition, many “savings” accounts cannot be electronically drafted, particularly with credit unions. Please check with your financial institution to verify that your account can be electronically drafted. A $50.00 Returned Item Fee will be charged for any items returned by your bank, regardless of the reason, as prescribed by the Code of Virginia 2.2-4805.

    Please also reference Returned Items section of this Catalog.

If your payment choice is a debit card, please inquire with your bank concerning any daily dollar limits.

Delivered/Mailed Payments: Lump sum payments may also be submitted to the Office of Cashiering, 2nd floor Lancaster Hall (Room 201-A). Cash, personal checks (unless prior checks have been returned), cashier’s checks, and money orders are accepted. An after-hours payment drop box is also available outside the entrance to the Office of Cashiering.

Please note: Credit/debit cards are not accepted in the Office of Cashiering.

International Payments: Longwood University has partnered with Flywire to provide option for International students to pay using their local currency. With Flywire, International students may track payments through the whole process and may take advantage of Flywire’s 24/7 Customer Support team. To begin a payment, International students may go to: https://www.flywire.com/pay/longwood/

Monthly Payment Plan

The convenience of paying school expenses on a monthly basis is an attractive option for many families. Longwood University provides an opportunity for parents and students to pay educational expenses in four interest-free installments per semester. The plan is available to any student for the fall and/or spring semesters with the exception of study abroad students.

NOTE: PAYMENT PLAN ENROLLMENT IS PER SEMESTER for fall and spring. The payment plan is not available for summer semesters.

Enrollment for the fall payment plan will open online mid-July. Enrollment for the spring plan will open online late November. Payments for the fall semester are due on the 1st of each month from August through November. Payments for the spring semester are due on the 1st of each month from December through March.

A non-refundable participation fee of $50.00 per semester is charged at the time of online enrollment. Personal expenses, books, computers, or travel expenses are not included in the plan. Longwood University does not charge a fee for late enrollment. However, any “missed” payments must be paid at the time of enrollment.

Our TouchNet Payment Plan Manager system should automatically adjust monthly payments as activity on the student account changes and will notify the student and/or authorized user (s) via email. The payments are automated using an ACH bank draft (Electronic Check) or credit/debit cards (2.85% convenience fee). The automated payment schedule is set upon enrollment. No other action is necessary for the payments to draft from the bank account selected at enrollment in the plan. After enrolling in the plan, students wishing to change bank account information must log in and save a new payment profile. They must then click on Payments and “edit” payment method(s).

Important Notes to Students Enrolling in Monthly Payment Plan:

  1. Please obtain the correct format for your account number from your bank. The payment is subject to approval and final verification from your bank. A $50.00 fee will be charged for any items returned by your bank.
  2. Lines of credit, money market accounts, trust accounts, mutual fund accounts, etc., may not be automatically drafted. Please check with your financial institution to verify your account can be electronically drafted.

How to Enroll: Enrollment in the plan is accomplished by completing our web-based self-service application. Students may enroll in the plan or may authorize others to enroll in the plan. Students may access the option for the plan through myLongwood Portal, Student Tab, My Student Account. Authorized users will be emailed the procedures for accessing the student account and may enroll in the plan once the student sets the authorizations.

Returned Items

Paper checks and ACH Bank Drafts (electronic checks) will not be accepted on student accounts that reflect three (3) previously returned items. Redemption of any returned item will be by cash, cashier’s check, or money order. Additionally, a returned payment item that was made on a student account may be redeemed using a debit or credit card. A service fee will be applied to all returned items in order to cover the university’s cost of processing the returned item, including bank charges. Upon notification of the return, a hold flag will be placed on the student account to prevent future registration and acquiring official transcripts. Any amounts not satisfied will be referred to a collection agency, and collection fees will be added. Any amount not satisfied may be reported to the credit bureau, and may be listed with the Virginia Department of Taxation. Listing with the Department of Taxation may result in the seizure of funds due from the Commonwealth, such as a tax refund or lottery claim.

Late Payment

Any student account not paid in full or secured by our Payment Plan or Financial Aid* or approved Third-Party Tuition Assistance may be assessed a late payment fee of 10% of the unsecured past-due account balance as prescribed in 2.2-4805 of the Code of Virginia. Failure to receive a bill does not waive the requirement for payment when due and will not prevent the application of the late payment fee.

* Please note: Students are responsible for endorsing scholarship or private loan checks upon notification from the Office of Financial Aid/Students Accounts. Failure to return endorsed checks in a timely manner could result in the assessment of late payment fees and/or cancellation.

Cancellation Policy for Unpaid Student Accounts

Any student with an unpaid account balance not secured by Longwood’s Monthly Payment Plan and/or financial aid may have her/his course schedule cancelled on the day following the original (semester) payment due date. (The payment due date for the fall semester is on or about August 1st, and for the spring semester is on or about January 2nd.) In addition, if applicable, any residential or commuter student with unpaid balances may be denied access to student housing on her/his scheduled move-in day and/or may be blocked from utilizing campus meal plans.

Failure to receive a bill will not waive the requirement for payment when due. Students may access account summaries/billing statements via Longwood University’s Student Information System (myLongwood).

Following the cancellation of her/his course schedule, any student who wishes to reinstate must first pay the required reinstatement fee in addition to any other financial obligation due to the university. The deadline to reinstate a course schedule is the last business day prior to the first day of classes. In certain instances, a student’s original course schedule may no longer be available; therefore, students requesting reinstatement must work with advisors and/or the Office of the Registrar to create new course schedules. Payment of the reinstatement fee and any outstanding charges must be made to the Office of Cashiering.

Any student who processes an initial registration or who adds classes and/or room/board assignments after the original (semester) payment due date is expected to remit payment for all balances due upon registration and/or upon request for room/board assignment. If payment is not made following registration/assignment, then the student’s course schedule may be cancelled at the end of the add/drop period, and if residential, the student will be subject to eviction from student housing at that time.

If payment is not made or if an account is not adequately secured by the end of the add/drop period:

  1. Degree-seeking undergraduate-level students may be administratively withdrawn from the university and, if administratively withdrawn, will not be allowed to apply for re-admission to Longwood until the following semester.
  2. Residential students will be subject to eviction from student housing.
  3. Graduate-level degree-seeking or professional endorsement seeking students and non-degree-seeking students may be administratively withdrawn from all (current semester) courses and will be blocked from processing future registrations until all outstanding balances due are fully paid to the university.

Any student with an unpaid/unsecured account balance whose course schedule is cancelled and/or who is administratively withdrawn from the university will be assessed charges in accordance with university catalog-published withdrawal policy*.

* Please note: Following administrative withdrawal due to non-payment, withdrawal penalties may be substantial. This is particularly true in the case of Online, Off-campus, Intersession, and/or Special Offering courses-for which, after course drop deadline, financial withdrawal penalties will equal 100% of the originally-assessed tuition and fee charges.

Administrative cancellation/withdrawal will not waive a student’s financial obligation(s).

Diplomas and official transcripts will not be issued until all financial obligations to Longwood have been paid or secured to the satisfaction of the university. Any unpaid balance will prevent future registration and will prevent the adding or web-dropping of classes. (Note: Through the last day to drop a class, students may submit written/faxed “drop” requests (Course Schedule Change Forms) to the Office of the Registrar.)

Notice of Fees and Charges on Unpaid Tuition and Fee Balances

The public is hereby placed upon notice that failure to pay in full at the time services are rendered or when E-billed may result in the imposition of a 10% late payment fee on the unpaid balance. If the matter is referred for collection to an attorney or to a collection agency, the debtor may then be liable for attorney’s fees and/or additional collection fees of up to 32 percent of the then unpaid balance. Also, any account not satisfied by the payment due date may be reported to the credit bureau and will be listed with the Virginia Department of Taxation. Returned items will incur a handling fee of $50.00. Requesting or accepting services will be deemed to be acceptance of these terms.

The student is responsible for all charges assessed regardless of any arrangements or agreements made with other parties.

Hold Flags, Future Registrations, and Release of Transcripts

Hold flags will be placed on student accounts having past-due financial obligations and may be placed on student accounts for a variety of other reasons (e.g., transcripts incomplete, missing health form, degree-application delinquent). Diplomas and official transcripts will not be issued until all financial obligations to Longwood have been paid or secured to the satisfaction of the university. Any unpaid balance will prevent future registration and will prevent the adding or web-dropping of classes. Note: Through the last day to drop a class, students may submit written/faxed “drop” requests (Course Schedule Change Forms) to the Office of the Registrar. For more information regarding the removal of non-financial hold flags, students are encouraged to contact the department(s) that posted the hold flag(s).

Hold flags may be viewed via myLongwood and Degree Works.

Financial Withdrawal Policies and Procedures

Once a student has registered, pre-registered, or otherwise been assigned classes for any semester, he/she must officially withdraw from the university/drop all registered credits within the appropriate add-drop period to prevent the assessment of tuition and fee charges. A student with a room assignment must officially withdraw from the university or (if permissible) cancel room contract before the first day of the academic semester to prevent (full or partial) assessment of housing charges. A residential or commuter student with a meal plan assignment must officially withdraw from the university or (if permissible) cancel meal plan contract before the first day of the academic semester and before utilizing plan (meals and/or Bonus $) to prevent (full or partial) assessment of board charges.

Students withdrawing from the university on the first day of the academic semester, or later, will be charged as stated under the Catalog section REFUNDS AND CHARGE ADJUSTMENTS.

For additional guidance and/or to complete official withdrawal procedures:

  1. Undergraduate level students (degree or non-degree-seeking) must contact the Office of the Registrar.
  2. Graduate-level students (degree or non-degree-seeking) must contact the Dean of the College of Graduate and Professional Studies.

Withdrawal is not considered official until a student has completed withdrawal paperwork with the appropriate Longwood University office: Office of the Registrar (undergraduate students) or College of Graduate and Professional Studies (graduate students).

Please note that the following actions will not substitute for formal withdrawal (or course cancellation) and will not be considered justification for elimination or reduction of charges:

  1. Failure to submit payment for a course after registering.
  2. Failure to officially drop a course for any reason, including due to the presence of a hold flag.
  3. Failure to attend class, log into Canvas, and/or complete coursework after registering.
  4. Requesting release of official (or unofficial) transcripts-including to an employer and/or to another college or university.
  5. Failure to apply for, receive, or accept financial aid and/or other third party tuition/fee assistance.
  6. Voluntary or enforced cancellation of offered financial aid.
  7. Failure to occupy Longwood-managed housing and/or to utilize campus meal plan.

All students: Please note that separate academic withdrawal policies exist in addition to financial withdrawal policies. For additional information, please refer to Withdrawal Policy, under the section Academic Regulations, of this Catalog.

Financial Aid Recipients: Please note that withdrawal prior to the 60% point in a semester significantly impacts a student’s eligibility to retain “unearned” financial aid, and may result in financial aid recipients owing large tuition and fee balances to the university. In addition, a registered student’s failure to attend class and/or to successfully complete coursework may reduce or cancel the student’s eligibility to retain (current or future term) financial aid. Financial Aid recipients are strongly encouraged to seek guidance from the Office of Financial Aid prior to leaving the university and/or completing withdrawal processing through the Office of the Registrar.

Refunds and Charge Adjustments

Refunds and Charge Adjustments Following Drop or Withdrawal from Off-campus Courses, Online Courses, Intersession Courses, and/or Special Offering (abbreviated term) On-campus Courses* (All Semesters/Enrollment Periods):

* Note: For purposes of this policy, “Special Offering” will refer to an On-campus or Hybrid course lasting less than one full semester in length and/or overlapping semesters/terms.

Dropping: Longwood University “Add-Drop” policy is available, online, from Office of the Registrar website: http://www.longwood.edu/registrar/policies–regulations/#adddrop.

A student who officially cancels (drops) an Off-campus, Online, Intersession, and/or Special Offering course within the official “add/drop” period for the course will be credited/refunded 100% of tuition and fees assessed (for that course) less any non-refundable tuition deposit paid, if applicable.

Withdrawing: After the “add/drop” deadline has passed for each Off-campus, Online, Intersession, and/or Special Offering course, no financial tuition and fee reductions (credits) will be issued to students who “withdraw without academic penalty” (grade of “W”). If a student withdraws before his/her account balance is paid in full, then the student will be responsible for paying any remaining balance due.

Enforced withdrawals, such as disciplinary suspension or administrative withdrawal due to non-payment, will not involve credits or refunds beyond the above schedule.

Refunds and Charge Adjustments Following Drop or Withdrawal from One or More Full-semester (Fall-Spring) On-campus* Courses, But Not Withdrawal from the University:

* On-campus courses include, but are not necessarily limited to: Classroom-based courses, hybrid courses, student teaching and internship assignments, and/or independent study assignments.

Dropping: A student who officially cancels one or more full-semester (fall-spring), On-campus course(s) on or before the semester census date (Academic Calendar  “last day to drop”), will be fully credited the difference in tuition and fees for the reduced number of credit hours, if any.

Withdrawing: After the census date (Academic Calendar  “last day to drop”), no tuition and fee reductions (credits) will be issued to students who “withdraw without academic penalty” (grade of “W”) from individual courses. Also, after the census date, late-added courses (such as Special Offering courses scheduled to begin mid-semester) will incur additional tuition and fee costs.

To avoid unnecessary financial penalties, students are encouraged to officially process all necessary course schedule adjustments prior to the end of the semester Add-Drop period (census date). Although it may be possible-in very rare, unusual, circumstances-for students to seek Dean’s office permission to make schedule adjustments after the census date, severe financial penalties would result. [After the census date, students would be held financially responsible for payment of tuition and fees assessed for both late-cancelled courses (graded “W”) and late-added courses.]

Refunds and Charge Adjustments Following Withdrawal from the University and Cancellation of All Full-Semester (Fall-Spring) On-campus* Courses:

* On-campus courses include, but are not necessarily limited to: Classroom-based courses, hybrid courses, student teaching and internship assignments, and/or independent study assignments.

A student who officially withdraws from the university and cancels all full-semester (fall-spring), On-campus courses on or before the semester census date (Academic Calendar  “last day to drop”), will be credited/refunded 100% of tuition and fees** less any non-refundable tuition deposit paid, if applicable.

** Note: Please reference separate Refund and Charge Adjustments policy for Off-campus, Online, Intersession, and Special Offering (abbreviated term) On-campus courses. The current refund policy stated above applies only to charges assessed for full-semester On-campus courses.

A residential student (or a commuter student with optional meal plan) who withdraws from the university on or before the census date for the semester/term, will be assessed reduced/partial room and board charges.

After the fall-spring census date, a student who officially withdraws from the university through the fifth week of the semester will be partially credited tuition, fees, room and board charges-determined by the week of school during which the official withdrawal takes place.

After the fifth week of the semester, no (tuition, fee, room and/or board) credits/refunds will be issued to students who withdraw from the university.

Note: Although formal withdrawal processing must occur during standard business hours (8:15am - 5:00pm, Monday through Friday) when the university’s administrative offices are open, in certain circumstances, withdrawn residential students may arrange to complete additional mandatory “room check-out” procedures during the weekend immediately following formal withdrawal processing. Withdrawn residential students may contact Residential and Commuter Life (RCL) staff for additional guidance and/or to schedule and complete room check-out.

Exceptions: In unusual circumstances, charge adjustments and refunds beyond the normal schedule may be recommended by Longwood’s Tuition Appeals Committee for students who leave Longwood “for reasons beyond the student’s control”, such as for a verified incapacitation, illness, injury, or military reservist called to active duty. Tuition Appeal instructions and Application Forms may be obtained, online, from the Office of Student Accounts website: http://www.longwood.edu/studentaccounts/tuitionfee-appeals/. Deadline to submit Tuition Appeal Application Form with accompanying documentation is the last day of the academic semester. If Appeal is approved, the Committee may authorize partial or full cost reduction(s). If Appeal is denied, student financial obligations will remain as assessed in accordance with standard University policy.

During the fall-spring semesters, students who officially withdraw from the University (canceling all full-semester, On-campus courses) will be charged and credited according to the following schedule:

Official Withdrawal Date*: Tuition & Fees / Room & Board Assessed:
Within First 6 Days of Academic Semester (the Official Add-Drop Period): Student Forfeits (Non-refundable) Tuition Deposit**
  Tuition & Required Fees Assessed = 0%
  If Applicable, Room Assessed = Prorated Daily Rate
  If Applicable, Board Assessed = Daily Rate + Bonus $
During Second Week of Semester: Tuition & Required Fees Assessed = 25%
  If Applicable, Room Assessed = Prorated Daily Rate
  If Applicable, Board Assessed = Daily Rate + Bonus $
During Third Week or Fourth Week of Semester: Tuition & Required Fees Assessed = 50%
  If Applicable, Room Assessed = Prorated Daily Rate
  If Applicable, Board Assessed = Daily Rate + Bonus $
During Fifth Week of Semester: Tuition & Required Fees Assessed = 75%
  If Applicable, Room Assessed = Prorated Daily Rate
  If Applicable, Board Assessed = Daily Rate + Bonus $
After the Fifth Week of Semester Through the Last Day of Semester: Tuition & Required Fee Assessed =100%
  If Applicable, Room & Board Assessed = 100%

* Official Withdrawal Date = Date upon which a student processes formal withdrawal paperwork with Office of the Registrar (undergraduate students) or Office of Graduate and Professional Studies (graduate students).

** Non-refundable tuition deposit balance will be credited as payment against any balance due; any remaining tuition deposit balance will be forfeited (if assessed charges do not exceed).

Please note: After the start of the academic semester, no financial adjustments will be made to charges for late fees or early arrival fees. Also, for withdrawals occurring after the last day to drop a class, no adjustments will be made to charges for course fees.

If a student withdraws before his/her account balance is paid in full, then the student will be responsible for payment of any remaining balance due, after the appropriate withdrawal credits have been processed.

The refund policy may vary in accordance with federal regulations and/or as stated in room/board agreements.

Enforced withdrawals, such as disciplinary suspension or administrative withdrawal due to non-payment, will not involve credits or refunds beyond the above schedule.

Refunds and Charge Adjustments Following Drop or Withdrawal from Summer Courses:

Dropping: A student who officially cancels one or more summer course(s) on or before the last day to drop for each course, will be fully credited the difference in tuition and fees for the reduced number of credit hours, if any.

Withdrawing: After the last day to drop for each course, no tuition and fee reductions (credits) will be issued to students who “withdraw without academic penalty” (grade of “W”) from individual courses.


Refund checks and/or EDI direct deposit credits will be issued to the enrolled student, regardless of who originally made the payment. This policy may not apply if federal, state, and/or local regulations require the return of funds to parents, financial aid programs, third party employers, or scholarship awarding agencies.

The refunded amount may be net of any outstanding balance owed to Longwood for past due library fines, parking fees, telecommunication charges, or any other outstanding debt to Longwood.

Minimum Refund Policy

Due to the high cost of processing refunds, no refund checks will be issued for student account credit balances of $1.00 or less.

Special Cost Waivers for Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents

The Virginia Military Survivors and Dependents Education Program (VMSDEP) is a Commonwealth of Virginia program which provides education benefits to spouses and children of military service members killed, missing in action, taken prisoner, or who became at least 90% disabled as a result of military service in an armed conflict. Military service includes service in the United States Armed Forces, United States Armed Forces Reserves, or the Virginia National Guard. Armed conflict includes military operations against terrorism or as the result of a terrorist act, a peace-keeping mission, or any armed conflict after December 6, 1941.

Note: A Veteran’s 90-100% disability must have been directly caused by the Veteran’s involvement in: 1) military operations against terrorism; 2) a peacekeeping mission; 3) a terrorist act; 4) an armed conflict subsequent to December 6, 1941. The service connected disability cannot have been incurred during active duty that coincides with, but was not the direct result of, one of the listed events/missions.

The purpose of VMSDEP is to provide undergraduate or other postsecondary education to eligible participants by providing a waiver of tuition and all mandatory/required fees at any public institution of higher education or other public accredited postsecondary institution granting a degree, diploma, or certificate in the Commonwealth of Virginia. A stipend to offset the cost of room, board, books, and supplies may also be available, contingent on funding. Benefits are available for up to four (4) academic years. For listing of Benefits, Eligibility Requirements, Required Documentation, VMSDEP Online Application, Virginia Public Colleges and Universities, and VMSDEP Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), please visit Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) website: http://www.dvs.virginia.gov/, and select “Education & Employment” tab.

Please note that VMSDEP applications should be submitted at least sixty (60) days prior to start of term/semester. Eligibility for the VMSDEP benefit is based upon the date that an application was submitted for the program by or on behalf of a qualifying spouse or dependent student.

Students who consider themselves eligible should contact the Virginia Department of Veterans Services (DVS) or may seek assistance from the Dean of Admissions at Longwood or the Veterans Affairs Certifying Official. Verification of eligibility must be on file with the Office of Student Accounts before the first day of classes each semester. Please note that the waiver of tuition and fees does not include a waiver of charges assessed for room and board. Room and board balances should be paid on, or before, the payment due date for each semester.

Per Code of Virginia: “The maximum amount to be expended for each such survivor or dependent pursuant to this subsection (§ 23.1-608 ) shall not exceed, when combined with any other form of scholarship, grant, or waiver, the actual costs related to the survivor’s or dependent’s educational benefits allowed under this subsection”.

Senior Citizens Higher Education Act

Senior citizens aged 60 or over, with a Federal taxable individual income of less than $23,850 per year, and who have lived in Virginia for one year, can enroll as full or part-time students in credit courses free of tuition, provided they meet the admissions standards of the college and space is available. Any senior citizen aged 60 or over can enroll in a non-credit course or audit a credit course free of tuition, regardless of taxable income, provided the student meets the admissions standards of the college and space is available. The senior citizen is obligated to pay fees established for the purpose of paying for course materials, such as laboratory fees. If enrolled as a non- credit seeking student (audit), a maximum of three courses may be taken per semester.

Please reference Code of Virginia section §23.1-639: https://law.lis.virginia.gov/vacode/title23.1/chapter6/section23.1-639/.

Approval and processing to register for classes under the Senior Citizens Higher Education Act may be obtained in the Office of the Registrar, Brock Hall 112. Such students will be enrolled after all tuition paying students have been accommodated but before the add/drop period of the term.