2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog 
    Mar 13, 2025  
2018-2019 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]

Department of Education and Special Education

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Kevin Doyle, ED.D., Chair
Lee Moore, Administrative Office Specialist

Education Program


Gretchen Braun, PhD, Professor
Jodie Brinkmann, EdD, Assistant Professor
Patricia L. Hastings, PhD, Assistant Professor
Stephen Keith, EdD, Assistant Professor
Corrie Kelly, MEd, Instructor of Education
Evan Long, PhD, Assistant Professor
Katrina Maynard, PhD, Associate Professor, Coordinator Elementary and Middle Education Programs
Sara Miller, EdD, Assistant Professor

Special Education


Kat Alves, PhD, Assistant Professor
Karen Feathers, MS, Assistant Professor
Christopher Jones, PhD, Associate Professor of Special Education and Coordinator
Aftab Khan, PhD, Assistant Professor of Special Education

In collaboration with Liberal Studies, the Department of Education and Special Education offer the following programs of study:

  1. Liberal Studies Elementary Education. In collaboration with the Liberal Studies program, this Department offers the education coursework and field experiences for students who wish to be elementary education (PK - 6) teachers. Students are Liberal Studies Elementary majors.
  2. Liberal Studies Elementary and Middle School Education. In collaboration with the Liberal Studies program, this Department offers the education coursework and field experiences for students who wish to be elementary or middle education teachers (6 - 8 add on endorsement). Students are Liberal Studies Elementary and Middle School majors.
  3. Liberal Studies Special Education. In collaboration with the Liberal Studies program, this department offers a five-year program in special education with licensure in Special Education: General Curriculum K-12. Students are Liberal Studies majors with a concentration in special education. Students who complete the undergraduate program will receive a bachelor’s degree in Liberal Studies and upon the completion of the fifth year will receive a Master’s degree and licensure in special education. Students must complete the fifth year to be endorsed to teach special education.
  4. Master of Education degree in School Librarianship or Reading, Literacy and Learning.
  5. Master of Science degree in Education major with concentrations in Elementary & Middle School Mathematics, Educational Leadership, and Special Education. Information on these programs is found in the Graduate Catalog.

(Please refer to requirements listed in Liberal Studies, BS  under the Cook-Cole College of Arts and Sciences)

Office of Professional Services

Dr. Connie H. Ballard, Assistant Professor of Education/Director
LaTasha Tucker, Assistant Director
Judy Kovach, Administrative Office Specialist

Office of Professional Services: http://www.longwood.edu/professionalservices

The Office of Professional Services (OPS) coordinates the application process for admittance to the Teacher Preparation Program and all field and clinical experience placements that prepare the teacher candidate to enter the field of education with an initial license. Field experiences (Practicum One Week, Practicum Three Weeks, and Practicum Embedded in Courses) represent a variety of early and ongoing school-based opportunities in which the teacher candidate may observe, assist, tutor, plan and present instruction. The clinical experience is student teaching. It provides the teacher candidates with an experience that allows for full immersion in a school setting so they are able to demonstrate proficiencies in the professional roles for which they are preparing. Teacher candidates are placed in diverse and rural educational settings for field and clinical placement experiences.

Prior to the first field placement, the teacher candidates, at their expense, are asked to present evidence of a criminal background check, negative tuberculosis test results, and an automobile insurance form. The instructions and forms for completing your criminal background, negative tuberculosis test results, and automobile insurance form can be found in the OPS Canvas course. The teacher candidates will upload these documents into the OPS Canvas course.  The teacher candidates must submit all updates and changes to previously submitted forms.

In addition to Longwood requirements, school divisions may have their own forms to complete and additional requirements. This information is found in the OPS Canvas course. It is the teacher candidate’s responsibility to obtain this information. OPS does not require annual updates; however, some school divisions do require current requirements that will be at the candidate’s expense. Travel distance and commute time to and from placements vary. Transportation and lodging, if needed, are at the expense of the candidate. It is the responsibility of the teacher candidate to access the OPS Canvas course on a regular basis for updates regarding requirements, meeting dates, applications for placement and other essential information.

Field Placements:

  • EDUC 261 - Introduction to the Teaching Profession: Practicum : The first field experience for elementary and middle school teacher candidates is an in-depth observation and analysis of the school classroom as part of the foundations education course. The teacher candidate is placed in a public school setting for at least 30 hours. The teacher candidate completes this course with embedded placement in the second year of enrollment. An application is required to receive a placement.
  • Practicum One-Week (EDUC 270 , MUSC 345 , MUSC 346 ): The first field experience for secondary majors is an in-depth observation and analysis of the school classroom. The teacher candidate is placed in a public school setting for at least 30 hours. The university supervisor is assigned to observe and provide feedback. It is recommended that the teacher candidate complete Practicum One-Week after her/his first year of enrollment. Since Practicum One-Week is not required for all program areas, the teacher candidate must consult with her/his advisor before submitting an application.
  • Practicum Experiences embedded in discipline-specific courses (EDUC 473 , HIST 382 HLTH 465 , HPEP 364 , HPEP 377 KINS 378 , MAED 252 , MAED 352 , MUSC 441 , SCED 252 , SLIB 570): The teacher candidate is placed in a public school setting according to program requirements. Your advisor can help you plan the timeline for completion of these field experiences by OPS.
  • EDUC 361 - Practicum Integration  The second field experience for elementary and middle school teacher candidates continues to be one of observation and analysis of the public school classroom for at least 60 hours. The university supervisors observe and provide feedback. In order to complete Practicum Integration, the teacher candidate must be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program by the applicable deadlines (posted in the OPS Teacher Preparation Canvas course). This course must be taken immediately prior to the EDUC 461  term. Corequisites: EDUC 310 , EDUC 380 .
  • Practicum Three-Weeks (EDUC 370  or SPED 327 ): The second field experience continues to be one of observation and analysis of the public school classroom for at least 90 hours. In addition, the teacher candidate plans and teaches at least one lesson. The university supervisor observes and provides feedback. In order to complete Practicum Three-Weeks, the teacher candidate must be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program by the applicable deadlines (posted on the OPS Teacher Preparation Canvas course).
  • EDUC 461 - Practicum Application : This is a 90-hour field experience for candidates to implement lessons based on best practice in Literacy, Mathematics, Science and Social Studies. This course must be taken immediately prior to Student Teaching. Corequisites: EDUC 423 , EDUC 433 .

The teacher candidates must notify the OPS if assigned to a school where they attended as a student or where an immediate family member attends or is employed. Failure to notify the OPS of such conflict may result in a cancellation of the practicum placement and/or receiving a failing grade.

Teacher candidates who need placement by OPS should attend one of the orientation sessions offered annually that are specific to the placement type (ex: Practicum Integration). These sessions will vary by date and time.  They are listed in the OPS Canvas course. Practicum One Week, Practicum Integration, Practicum Three Weeks and Practicum Application students will attend a meeting with their respective university supervisor before contacting their cooperating teacher. The date, time, and location for this meeting will be posted in the OPS Canvas course.

To be admitted to the Teacher Prep Program, the teacher candidate must:

Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program is ongoing.  Students will need to meet requirements by the applicable deadline (March 1 for summer and fall course registration purposes and October 1 for spring course registration purposes or Practicum Integration EDUC 361  or Practicum Three Weeks EDUC 370 /SPED 327  ) in order for OPS to guarantee processing before the registration window closes.

  • Enroll into the OPS Canvas Course to review the Teacher Preparation Admission Module and complete the covenant agreement.
  • Submit a Teacher Preparation Program Application in myLongwood.
  • Complete required prerequisite courses program education courses.

    Prerequisite Courses
    • “C minus” or better in ENGL 165   or the transfer equivalent
    • “C” or better in introductory education courses for your program area as indicated below:


  • Submit in the OPS Canvas Course Qualifying Test Scores per Virginia Department of Education Guidelines
  • Available Options


  • ACT composite score 24, math score 22, reading/English combined score 46

​   Or

  • SAT composite score 1170, math score 560 and reading and writing score 580 


  • Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA) Composite Score 470 AND one of the following math options:  

- ACT math score of 22 if composite score of 24 was obtained
- SAT math score of 560 if composite score of 1170 was obtained
- Praxis I CASE math score of 150


  • Praxis I CASE math score 150,  reading score 156, writing score 162
    • The teacher candidate will submit a copy of the score report you received from the testing agency (i.e. Education Testing Services) to the OPS Teacher Preparation canvas course.

Note:  Screen shots or pictures of score reports are not acceptable.  A PDF of the official score report is required.


Batch scores (not individual score reports) from the testing agency are submitted electronically to Longwood’s registrar and cannot be used by OPS for admission to Teacher Prep.  


Note:  You will receive your score report electronically from a testing agency, but it will become inactive after 30 days.  Make sure you print or save a copy during that “window of time” or you will have to pay if you need a copy.  Please keep the original copy for your personal records.


  • Complete Child Abuse Module and submit certificate in the OPS Canvas Course.
  • Complete the Dyslexia Module and submit certificate in the OPS Canvas Course.
  • Submit negative TB test results in the OPS Canvas Course
  • Submit an Automobile Insurance Form in the OPS Canvas Course
  • Submit two applicable faculty recommendations in myLongwood (see chart in the OPS Canvas Course).  The teacher candidate must meet with the program coordinator if one or two applicable faculty recommendations are not submitted.
  • Maintain an overall GPA of 3.0 or higher.
  • Inform OPS via email (include your L# and Program Area) when all requirements have been met so your application will be processed (Due Dates are in the OPS Canvas Course).


GPA Factors in Teacher Prep Admission

Individual applicants with an overall GPA of at least 3.0 will be immediately eligible for admission to Teacher Prep and will have their applications to the program processed after the October 1st or March 1st deadline in advance of the following advising and registration period.

Prospective teacher candidates who have an overall GPA ranging from 2.5 to 2.99 will be put on a waitlist and admitted in descending GPA order such that the cohort average GPA remains at 3.0 for higher or that semester. Longwood University requires that the cohort average GPA of students being admitted to Teacher Prep in any given semester be at least 3.0 (overall).

The OPS will admit as many other students as mathematically possible while maintaining the cohort’s average GPA at the 3.0 which is required by the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP).

These calculations will be done at the end of the fall, spring, and summer semesters, immediately after new grades are reflected in the candidate’s GPAs.  Calculations for waitlisted candidates will be done with new GPAs, thereby enabling this policy to serve as a potential incentive for improvement in student performance.  From the time the cohort average is calculated, the cohort will remain “open” until the end of the last day for add/drop period of the next semester.  

In the event that candidates cannot be admitted as part of the semester’s cohort, they will be expected to work with their academic advisors to develop a plan for improving their overall GPA, which may include course retakes and tutoring services. Students will remain on the waitlist until such time as they have the 3.0 GPA, can be admitted as part of a future cohort, or request that OPS cancel their application to the Teacher Preparation Program.

  • Admission to Teacher Prep is required before placements can be made for Practicum Three Weeks (EDUC 370 ), Practicum Integration (EDUC 361 ), Inquiry into the Classroom Community (EDUC 473 ), Practicum Application (EDUC 461 ) and Student Teaching
  • The elementary, middle, secondary and PK-12 teacher candidates will not be allowed to enroll in 300-400 level EDUC courses until they are admitted into Teacher Prep.  
  • The Special Education (SPED) teacher candidate will not be allowed to enroll in SPED 321  or SPED/EDUC courses above the 300 level until they are admitted into Teacher Prep.

Clinical Experience (Student Teaching)

  • Student teaching is the pinnacle of the teacher candidates’ preparation for initial licensure.  This clinical experience occurs during a teacher candidates’ final semester.  The placement is for 13 weeks, the teacher candidates may have one placement or two placements (determined by the teacher candidates’ program.).
  • Students who wish to graduate in a timely manner must complete a student teaching application in myLongwood Teacher candidates’ must meet the deadline (February 1 for Spring placement or September 1 for Fall placement).

All other requirements must be submitted and met by February 1 for a fall placement and September 1 for a spring placement.:

  • Review Student Teaching Orientation Module and complete the associated Covenant Agreement in the OPS Canvas course.


  • Submit via the OPS Canvas Course the following:
    • Placement Documents–Covenant Agreement, Criminal Background Check, negative TB Test Results, Automobile Insurance Form
      Child Abuse Module Certificate of Completion Civics in Virginia Module Certificate of Completion (elementary, middle, history and special education teacher candidates only)
    • Certificate or card as proof of current Hands-On Training in Emergency First Aid and CPR with AED for adults and children
    • Dyslexia Training Certificate of CompletionPassing Scores on VCLA, Praxis II, and RVE  if required for your program area
  • Maintain an Overall GPA of 2.5 or higher and Major GPA of 2.5 or higher
  • Submit Requests for Faculty Recommendation(s) as determined by program area via MyLongwood and follow-up for completion

Clinical experience placement requests will only be sent to school divisions for the teacher candidates who meet all criteria and requirements by the posted deadlines. Teacher candidates denied admission to student teaching may reapply upon meeting requirements

  • The teacher candidates must notify the OPS on the application of any schools where s/he attended or where a family member currently attends or works. Failure to notify the OPS of such conflict may result in a cancellation of the placement and/or receiving a grade of incomplete.
  • Important dates for student teaching are included on the Calendar in the OPS Canvas course.  Student teachers attend the following training sessions and meetings:
    • Student Teaching Orientation
    • Student Teaching Follow-Up
    • Seminar Day and Meeting with University Supervisor(s)
    • Wrap-Up Workshop (OPS assists graduating student teachers with completion of initial licensure paperwork.)

Initial Licensure

  • Admission to the Teacher Preparation Program
  • Field Experience Placements (Practica)
  • Clinical Experience Placement (Student Teaching)
  • Assessments
    • Teacher candidates seeking initial licensure in Virginia are required to take and submit to the OPS Canvas course evidence of passing scores on all tests required for licensure.  Keep the original for your personal records.  Scores electronically submitted to Longwood University are not recognized by the Virginia Department of Education and therefore cannot be accepted by the OPS. Consult with your program area and/or advisor to determine which assessments are required for your initial licensure and when they should be taken and completed.
    • Virginia Communication and Literacy Assessment (VCLA)
    • Reading for Virginia Educators (RVE)
      • Passing Scores
        • Teachers: 157
        • Reading Specialist: 162
      • For more information, refer to www.ets.org
    • Praxis II
      • Specialty Content Area Tests (if applicable)
      • For more information, refer to www.ets.org
  • Required Documents

Child Abuse Recognition and Intervention Training Module

Civics Education in Virginia Training Module

  • Elementary, middle, and history teacher candidates must complete this online module. Special education teacher candidates must also complete the module if seeking dual endorsement in elementary education.
  • The certificate of completion needs to be submitted to the OPS Canvas course to fulfill a Virginia Department of Education licensure requirement.
  • Go to http://www.civiceducationva.org/ to complete the training module.

Current Hands-On Training in emergency first aid, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) Child and Adult, and the use of automated external defibrillators (AED) administered through the American Heart Association or the American Red Cross.

  • The card or certificate of completion needs to be submitted to the OPS Teacher Preparation Program Canvas Course to fulfill the Virginia Department of Education requirement.

Dyslexia Awareness Training Module



    Teaching LicensureOther Programs

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