2024-2025 Undergraduate Catalog
Department of Music
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Pamela McDermott, Chair
Angela Seay, Administrative Assistant
In accord with the mission of Longwood University, the primary mission of the Department of Music is to provide an environment that fosters and challenges intellectual curiosity, artistic growth, and positive contributions to society. Our goals are to prepare music majors for professional careers in music and to offer high quality and diverse musical events and experiences that enhance the lives of individual students, the university community, and the community at large.
Our specific objectives are the following:
- to prepare students to teach in the public schools (K-12) in vocal, instrumental, and general music
- to prepare students for graduate or further professional study in music
- to prepare students for music performance and creative leadership in their community
- to provide quality musical training and experiences for music minors and general education students
- to provide a variety of performance opportunities for music majors and other qualified Longwood students
- to present high quality musical events for the campus and community
The Department of Music offers courses leading to two degrees: the Bachelor of Arts degree with concentration in Music (Piano Pedagogy emphasis available), and the Bachelor of Music with concentration in either Education or Performance (voice, piano, brass, woodwinds, percussion, and strings). Common to each degree is a basic music core outlined in the specific degree plans that follow.
Music majors must meet the following requirements:
- Audition: Each incoming freshman music major or transfer student must audition and interview with the music faculty.
- Large Ensemble: Every music major is expected to enroll in their related large ensemble for credit each semester (choir, band, orchestra).
- Small Ensemble: Every music major is required to perform in a minimum of one small ensemble during the completion of their degree (Jazz Band, Opera Workshop, Piano Duet/Duo, Percussion Ensemble, or Applied Primary: Chamber Music)
- Recital/Capstone:
- Students pursuing the B.A. in Music are required to present either a half Degree recital or a Capstone project that includes a performance component.
- Students pursuing the B.A. in Music with Emphasis in Piano Pedagogy are required to present a half Degree recital.
- Students pursuing the B.M. with Concentration in Education are required to present a half Degree recital.
- Students pursuing the B.M. with Concentration in Performance are required to present a half Junior recital and a full Degree recital.
- Piano Proficiency: All music majors must pass a piano proficiency examination.
- Performance Observation: All music majors must pass six semesters of MUSC 185, Performance Observation.
The amount of credit in applied music that may be transferred from other institutions will be determined through evaluation of the student’s ability by the Music faculty.
The Department of Music also offers a Minor in Music, a Minor in Music History, and a Minor in Music Theatre.
The Department of Music is an accredited institutional member of the National Association of Schools of Music (NASM).
Applied Music
Private study is offered in most performance areas: Percussion, Piano, Strings, Woodwinds, Brass, and Voice. Incoming music majors must audition in the area of concentration.
Music majors must take APPLIED PRIMARY classes for their main instrument, and may take APPLIED SECONDARY classes for a secondary instrument. Music minors take APPLIED SECONDARY classes to satisfy the requirements of the Minor program. Students not majoring or minoring in music may enroll in APPLIED ELECTIVE classes. With permission of the Music Department chair, earned primary credits may be substituted for required secondary credits. Earned secondary credits, however, may NOT be substituted for required primary credits.
- Students will achieve a high level of proficiency in a chosen applied music area.
- Students will attain proficiency in keyboard skills.
- Students will attain a high level of musicianship and understanding beyond their primary performance area.
- Students will be able to use technology to support musical projects.
- Students will be able to communicate their knowledge to others.
- Incoming Student Audition/Interview. All degree programs.
- Semester Jury: All degree programs; administered at the end of every semester by the Music Faculty in the primary applied area and factored into the Applied Primary grade.
- Performance Audition. Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Performance; administered at the end of the second semester of Applied study.
- Acceptance into Teacher Prep. Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Education. Administered by the Office of Teacher Preparation (OTP).
- Sophomore Promotional Examination. All degree programs, to qualify for completion of MUSC 282 , and to continue in upper level applied music studies. If a student fails on their first attempt, they must re-take MUSC 282 and pass the Sophomore Promotional in the next consecutive semester in order to remain a music major.
- Piano Proficiency Exam. All degree programs, administered at the end of the class piano sequence in MUSC 264 - Intermediate Piano II .
- Junior Recital Hearing. Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Performance; administered by a Recital Committee of Music Faculty three weeks prior to the recital.
- Degree Recital Hearing. All Bachelor of Music degree programs, Bachelor of Arts with Piano Pedagogy Emphasis degree program, and students in the Bachelor of Arts degree program who choose a Degree Recital as their culminating experience. Administered by a Recital Committee of Music Faculty three weeks prior to the recital.
- Capstone Hearing. All students Bachelor of Arts degree program who choose a Capstone Project as their culminating experience. Administered by a Capstone Committee of Music Faculty three weeks prior to performance and presentation.
- Praxis II Test (Music). Bachelor of Music, Concentration in Education. Administered by an outside testing agency; fee required.
Continuing students who apply for scholarship assistance are auditioned and interviewed annually by the Music Faculty. More information regarding procedures for assessments may be found on the Departmental website at http://www.longwood.edu/music/index.html.
Music Faculty
All music faculty teach in each of the music areas listed.
Lisa Burrs, DMA, Associate Professor of Music, voice
Roland A. Karnatz, DMA, Associate Professor of Music, clarinet
Lisa B. Kinzer, DMA, Professor of Music, piano
Pamela D. J. McDermott, DMA, Associate Professor of Music, Program Coordinator of BA and Performance; choir
David M. Moore, DA, Assistant Professor of Music
Jacqueline J. R. Secoy, PhD, Associate Professor of Music, Program Coordinator of Secondary Music Education; education
Christopher L. Swanson, DMA, Professor of Music, voice
Michael Waddell, DMA, Assistant Professor of Music, low brass, band
Lauretta Werner, DMA, Assistant Professor of Music, upper strings; orchestra
Affiliated Department Faculty
Kevin Schattenkirk, PhD, Honors Faculty, Music
ProgramsBachelor of ArtsBachelor of MusicMinor
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