Mar 29, 2025
2020-2021 Undergraduate Catalog [ARCHIVED CATALOG]
Visual and Performing Arts, BA; Theatre Education Concentration
Visual and Performing Arts Applied Theater with Educational Licensure (Theatre Arts: PK - 12)
Students studying for the Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Preforming Arts degree may opt for one of two concentrations, Generalist or Applied. Those students seeking teacher certification must select the Applied concentration within the Bachelor of Arts in Visual and Performing Arts degree.
(For those who are seeking careers in educational theatre and who seek the Educational Endorsement, see professional education requirements. Those students will also be carefully advised, both in Theatre, Art, and Graphic and Animation Design (TAGD) and in Education (EDUC), to aid in timely matriculation.
Civitae Core Requirements (39-40 credits)
Civitae Core Theatre majors may count Civitae Core courses satisfying major requirements as also satisfying their respective Civitae Core requirements, up to two Pillar courses and one Perspectives course. (Students pursuing Virginia teaching licensure are not restricted as to the number of courses.) The following are the courses in this major that may be used in this way: - EDUC 245 can satisfy the Human Behavior and Social Institutions Pillar requirement
Courses satisfying major requirements that are designated as Civitae Core courses subsequent to the print deadline of this Catalog will not appear in the above listings but will be eligible to also satisfy Civitae Core requirements, subject to the same rules as the others. (If doing so would otherwise decrease the total credits required for the degree below 120, General Elective credit must be substituted to restore the total.) Additional Degree Requirements (3 credits)
In addition to the courses required for Civitae Core, students are required to take an additional course to earn a degree. They may choose one course in Humanities, Foreign Language, or Social Science. Major Requirements (32 credits)
Additional Major Requirements (9 credits)
Total (41 credits )
- (BA/Education) in Theatre
College of Education Requirements (31 credits)
Teacher Endorsement Requirements (PK - 12) (15 credits)
*Students must be admitted to the Teacher Preparation Program before they will be permitted to enroll in and subsequent 300-400 level EDUC course. Practicum Requirements (16 credits)
General Electives (5-6 credits)
Visual and Performing Arts Educational Licensure Theatre Arts (PK - 12) (120 credits)